In accordance with the Regulation on Promotion and Change of Title of Academic and Administrative Staff in Higher Education Institutions and Higher Education Organizations, a Promotion and Change of Title examination will be held for our administrative staff.
The written phase of the promotion examination will be conducted by Mersin University Measurement and Evaluation Application and Research Center (ÖDUAM). The examination will take place in a single session on Sunday, November 12, 2023, at 14:00 at ITU Maslak Campus Central Classroom A Building.
The guide below provides information on the class, title, degree, unit, number of vacant positions, application deadline, required qualifications for applicants, examination topics, and other relevant details.
To generate the examination entry documents, candidates must fill out the online application form available at using their Gmail email addresses (the institutional email address must be provided as the mandatory email address in the online application form).
For the ITU Examination Application Guide, CLICK HERE.
For the Promotion and Change of Title Examination Application Form, CLICK HERE.
For the Promotion and Change of Title Examination Application Petition, CLICK HERE.
You can contact us at 0212 285 70 19 for further information.